Work Package Details


WP1: Specification of the industrial requirements for the FiberEUse demonstrators >

1.1 Assessment of waste composition, volume and locations in Europe for the target sectors
1.2 Industrial requirements and target KPIs for the demonstrators and the related new products
1.3 Formalization of the innovative value-chains and their business cases
1.4 Technical specifications for the FiberEUse process-chains in the identified value-chains
1.5 Generalization to future industrial scenarios

WP2: Demanufacturing >

2.1 Disassembly of EoL composite parts
2.2 Development and control of mechanical processes for recovering short fibers
2.3 Development and control of thermal processes for recovering long fibers
2.4 Demonstration and testing of composite demanufacturing process-chains
2.5 Recovered glass and carbon fiber characterization
2.6 Demanufacturing energy consumption assessment
2.7 Guidelines for optimal composites demanufacturing

WP3: Composite material re-formulation and characterization >

3.1 Benchmark of industrial compounding methods adopted by the end-users
3.2 Liquid resin selection and development
3.3 Pyrolysed fiber resizing
3.4 Thermoplastic matrix and recycled fiber compound development
3.5 Materials validation and testing

WP4: Remanufacturing >

4.1 Additive remanufacturing re-using recovered glass and carbon fibers
4.2 Re-forming processes re-using recovered glass and carbon fibers
4.3 Mechanical repair and joining for composite remanufacturing
4.4 Laser-based composites remanufacturing
4.5 Surface coating and metallization of GFRP and CFRP remanufactured products
4.6 Non-destructive composite part analysis and testing

WP5: Product co-design for re-use >

5.1 Customer feedback collection and software for co-design of product adaptations
5.2 Design of high value-added parts re-using recovered composites
5.3 Re-use oriented modular design of composite automotive structures
5.4 Optimized prototypes of remanufactured automotive test modules
5.5 Testing and comparison of new, used, aged and repaired composite structures
5.6 Generalized product design guidelines for composites recovery and re-use

WP6: Large scale demonstration >

6.1 Demo-case sanitary/furniture by mechanically recycled short GFRP
6.2 Demo-case high added-value customized products by mechanically recycled short GFRP
6.3 Demo-case high-value design sport products by mechanically recycled GFRP
6.4 Demo-case car structural components from thermally recycled CFRP
6.5 Demo-case car structural components from thermally recycled GFRP
6.6 Demo-case construction products from thermally recycled long GFRP
6.7 Demo-case automotive, body structure part from reused CFRP
6.8 Demo-case automotive, internal structures from reused CFRP
6.9 Measurement and overall evaluation of demonstrators KPIs

WP7: Profitability enhancement and value-chain integration >

7.1 New service oriented business models development
7.2 Reverse logistics network architecture optimization
7.3 Cloud-based ICT platform for value-chain integration
7.4 LCA and LCC of the developed solutions
7.5 Profitability and risk assessment of the innovative value-chain business cases
7.6 Legislation boundaries and recommendations for policy makers based on “Innovation Deals”
7.7 Showcasing of remanufactured components through a virtual and physical product library

WP8: Dissemination and Exploitation >

8.1 Public awareness and dissemination
8.2 Exploitation planning and control
8.3 Standardization
8.4 IPR Management
8.5 Training of industrial users of the FiberEUse solutions

WP9: Project Management >

9.1 Governance structure, communication flow and methods
9.2 Overall coordination, Project Monitoring and Control
9.3 Risk management

WP10: Ethics requirements >

10.1 H - Requirement No.1
10.2 POPD - Requirement No. 2
10.3 EPQ - Requirement No. 3
10.4 EPQ - Requirement No. 4